My 2025 Goals
For Melody Times
2024 has been a crazy year. Full of so many downs but has had its moments where it has been amazing.
However, in this blog post, I want to mainly talk about my small business — Melody Times, on the goals I would like to reach by the end of 2025.
So we will discuss projects in the works, getting ready for 2025 for January, February and March. But, not to forget our goals as well; on what we want to achieve by the end of 2025.
Firstly though,
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been sticking around my business, and I can’t get over that we are now up to 115 followers on our Facebook page.
I didn’t think I would get that many followers within the first year of opening up my business project to the public, and I do want to give a big thank you to Rossco ’n’ Co for being part of the first magazine and the amazing shout out they did for us. And also, a thank you to Circus of Thieves and Ripe Banana Studios!
Even through the mistakes I have made when starting this business everyone stuck around, and I have realised that’s because people believe in me, in what I am doing with my business, which is to help musicians from those who are just picking up an instrument for the first time, to those who perform full time.
Goal №1
Google Online Classrooms
Within February, I plan to launch our first course about Music Theory. We will talk about music terminology, why is it Italian, is it important to learn theory, and what they look like on sheet music.
Goal №2
Magazine №3
We already have a content plan for our third magazine issue, and now looking for a local band within Dorset to be part of the third magazine. So if anyone is interested please do get in touch with us through our Facebook page!
We will also be messaging a few bands as well, and we only go to those who we know that have been active over the past 2 -3 months.
Our Ultimate Goal by the end of 2025 —
- To have 3 magazines published within the year.
- Have a lot of different courses up and running and it be available for everyone.
- To have at least up to 250–300 followers.
- To start earning enough, we can host mini-classes in person by 2026 or by Christmas 2025 for free.
- Re-vamp up the first magazine we did.
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Feel free to send me tips even if it’s just 20p! It will help me achieve my goal for my business Melody Times!